Viscous is a nuisance to the enemy team, and with this build we get just enough damage to not be ignored, but more than enough survivability to make enemies think twice about focusing you.
This build was created by Vegas. To find it in game, search for "Vegas Viscous" (BuildID: 1001)
Early Game
Melee items work with viscous’s Puddle Punch (3), making these items insanely valuable. Grab them as fast as possible, starting off with Extra Charge, Melee Lifesteal, and Spirit Strike in no particular order.
Something most people don't know is that last hitting minions with your Puddle Punch will secure the souls from range instantly on kill. If you are having trouble last hitting, we can buy High Velocity Mag early or use puddle punch charges to secure souls.
Spirit Strike will reduce the targets spirit resistance, try and poke the enemies with a Puddle Punch (3) followed up by a Splatter (1) with Mystic Burst for insane early game burst.
Finally, buy Extra Health and Mystic Reach to round out your build.
Mid Game
Next pick up Kinetic Dash and Divine Barrier to give us an edge in early fights as well as a massive fire rate boost. Use these items to your advantage and look to roam to nearby lanes with your ult for some easy kills. Divine Barrier received a buff and will now give us ability range temporary shields and a boost of movement speed, this item fits perfectly to Viscous's kit.
Next I like to farm neutrals and catch some waves to save up for the first 3000 soul item, Lifestrike. This item will give us our main source of DPS and greatly increase our clear speed while we work towards Rapid Recharge and Hunter's Aura.
Viscous can be very strong early but he tends to need to farm a bit in the mid game to pick up both 3000 soul melee items. If you have the extra souls or need to spike before an important mid game fight I find Berserker and Healing Booster to be the most helpful
These are most important from left to right:
Late Game
The mid game foundation and Viscous ult provides us with enough armor to survive, but going into the late game, it won't be enough anymore. That’s why I like to focus on survivability.
Viscous is very good at grabbing attention and kiting enemies, but to do this we need to be able to survive for as long as possible.
Late game we will focus on becoming more tanky by buying Spirit Armor and Bullet Armor. Upgrade your armors to the improved versions as needed.
If the game is going well and we have the souls I recommend picking between Colossus and Phantom Strike as e both very valuable items and it just depends on what the enemy team comp is like. Phantom Strike is the best choice for countering flyers, and if it's mostly bruisers on the enemy team Colossus seems to work better.
For more gun focused gameplay Frenzy can be a great purchase in the late game stages as well.
Situational (Standard)
Reactive Barrier is very high value against Bebop/Abrams/Dynamo and I recommend buying this ASAP if In lane against these heroes.
Situational (Movement)
If you are feeling sluggish, feel free to buy Extra Stamina or Superior Stamina
Situational (Support)
If you find yourself enjoying more of a Support role, Viscous can do it quite well with these items.
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Ability Point Order
Viscous Guide
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