TFT’s New Set 12: Magic N' Mayhem!
Magic N' Mayhem is the latest Set for Teamfight Tactics with powerful traits and more from the Magitorium.
The new Set is Live now!
Magic N' Mayhem
NEW Mechanic, Portals, Augments, Items, Cosmetics, and more.
With Set 12 - Magic N' Mayhem, you’ll have a mechanic that is purchasable called Charms! They appear in every other shop and you can only buy one per round. The later the stage of the game, the stronger Charms power will be but you will also have to pay more gold for them!
New Game Mechanic: Charms
See All Charms

New Set 12 Portals
See All Portals

New Set 12 Augments
See All Augments
Gain a 2-star Blitzcrank. Your strongest Blitzcrank becomes supercharged, dealing magic damage to 2 nearby enemies every 5 seconds and on every Ability cast.

Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's Ability no longer shields but strikes 3 times, dealing 80% of the original damage.

The Frost trait also grants one placeable Frost Wolf equipped with a Protector's Vow. The wolf gains 15% Attack Speed and 150 Health per Frost tier. Gain a Warwick and a Zilean.

Gain a 2-star Elise. Your strongest Elise's Ability no longer Stuns but poisons the target and the 2 closest enemies to take 120% of the Ability damage. Her spell costs 20 less Mana.

Every 3 seconds, all Faeries restore 4% max health and the Faerie queen gains 1% AD/AP per other surviving Faerie. Gain a Lillia and a Tristana.

Gain two Shens. Your strongest Shen’s ability no longer grants damage reduction, but now summons a large molten pillar that damages enemies in a large line and deals 45/70/110% AP.
New Set 12 Traits
See All SynergiesOrigins
Use the Arcana signifier item to choose a High Arcana champion. Arcana's effect changes based on the High Arcana you chosen.
- Ahri: Your team gains Ability Power for each 3-star champion.
- Hecarim: Champions holding items gain damage reduction and Attack Damage.
- Tahm Kench: Your team gains Health for each active trait.
- Xerath: Abilities deal bonus true damage for each Charm purchased this game.
- Emblem: Your team gains bonus damage for each fielded champion holding a Spatula item.
The Arcana's effect increases with every activated synergy threshold.
Bonus Effect
Bonus Effect
Bonus Effect
Bonus Effect
Chronos gain 15 Ability Power.
Combat start: begin a 14 second countdown, which speeds up by 1 second after each Chrono Ability cast. At the end of the countdown, gain a special effect.
Your team restores 20% health; Chronos gain 20 Ability Power.
AND freeze time for 3 seconds, Chronos keep fighting and gain 45 Ability Power.
Freeze time for 4 seconds, your team heals 100% health; Chronos keep fighting and gain 70 Ability Power and 35% Attack Speed.
Dragon attacks and Abilities Burn and Wound targets.
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%
1% Burn and Wound targets for 5 seconds.
The power of friendship upgrades all dragon Abilities!
The Druid does not have a trait bonus, but instead has a powerful Ability and increased stats.
Bonus Effect
When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens.
Each Eldritch star level increases the Old God's Health & Ability Power by 12.
The Tainted Golem
The Jet-Black Ibex
The Thousand-Pierced Bear
The Stormbringer
Faeries gain Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.
Choose a queen with the Faerie Crown which grants Damage amp. Choose a loyal guard with a glamoured armor which grants healing based on the queen's damage.
Only Faeries can hold Faerie items.
200 HP & Gain Queen’s Crown that grants 30% Amp
400 HP & Queen’s Crown at 45% Amp & Gain Queenguard's Armor
600 HP & 2nd Crown at 50%
900 HP & Items become Radiant
Frost champions freeze the first enemies that die into allied ice soldiers. Enemies will prioritize attacking ice soldiers within range when retargeting.
Frost champions also gain Ability Power and Attack Damage.
Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.
16 , 1 statues
35 , 2 statues
50 , 3 statues, statues explode on death
90 , 5 statues, explosion power doubles
Honeymancy gain 5 Bees That deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes.
When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.
5% dmg dealt, 3% dmg taken
8% dmg dealt, 4% dmg taken
16% dmg dealt, 8% dmg taken, and Bees deal damage twice as often.
Create a portal. During combat, junk from other universes flies out of the portal every few seconds, helping allies and disrupting enemies. Portal strength increases by 1% for each Portal unit's star level.
Combat start: Portal champions Shield for 15 seconds.
Small portal, 200 Shield
Medium portal, 450 Shield
Large portal, 700 Shield
GIGA portal, 1500 Shield
Pyro champions gain Attack Speed and execute enemies under % Health threshold.
Pyro champions gain an infernal cinder on each kill that you can collect during the planning phase. Your team gains 3% Attack Speed, increased by 2% for every 5 cinders collected.
10% AS, execution at 10%
25% AS, execution at 10%
40% AS, execution at 10%
55% AS , execution at 15%
Briar deals 0.8% more damage for each health you are missing.
Each round, gain a Light Snack that can be used on Briar to feed her 3 player health. She permanently gains 180 when she eats it.
Bonus Effect
After each player combat, Sugarcrafters generate Sugar for each item component equipped to your team.
Sugar helps build a cake with up to 10 layers. They gain Ability Power and Attack Damage, increased by 10% per layer. When the cake is complete, gain a special treat every 150 Sugar.
2 Sugar per component, 20 AD/AP
4 Sugar per component, 30 AD/AP
6 Sugar per component, 35 AD/AP, team gains 100 Health
Witch abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy.
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 200 of their max health
AND green, healing the lowest Health Witch for 15% of damage taken and poisons enemies, dealing 4% of their maximum HP per second as magic damage.
AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 50%
Xerath makes Ascendant Charms show up in your shop. After each player combat, your odds of seeing one increase by 8% up to a maximum of 40%. Once you buy one, your odds reset.
Bonus Effect
Allies gain 10 Armor and Magic Resist.
Bastion champions gain more, increased by 100% for the first 10 seconds of combat.
140 ; and 2 champions starting combat in the back 2 rows are invulnerable until 4 Bastions died
Bat Queen
When Morgana's bats kill an enemy, they have an 40% chance to abduct it, granting a 1 star copy or one of their item components!
Bonus Effect
Blasters gain bonus damage, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.
15% bonus damage; 30% after casting
35% bonus damage; 60% after casting
60% bonus damage; 100% after casting
Norra summons Yuumi, who can be attached to allies by holding her over them. Yuumi casts and dies at the same time as Norra and shares her AP.
Bonus Effect
Hunters gain Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.
15% Base, 35% Increased
40% Base, 70% Increased
70% Base, 110% Increased + 20% Attack Speed
Your team gains 10 Ability Power.
When Incantors attack or cast they gain stacks of Ability Power up to a max of 20. Attacks grant 1 stack, and casts grant 3 stacks.
2 per stack
5 per stack, your team gains 20 extra AP
Mages echo their Abilities and have modified total Ability Power.
70% Ability Power
90% Ability Power
110% Ability Power
200% AP, and Mages max Mana is lowered
Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 additional attacks.
30% chance
60% chance
70% chance; heal 4% max Health on every attack
100% chance; heal 10% max Health on every attack
Your team heals for a percent of their maximum Health every 3 seconds. If they're full health, they restore Mana instead.
Preservers gain double the bonuses.
2% HP , 3% Mana
4% HP , 5% Mana
6% HP, 7% Mana
9% HP, 12% Mana
Scholars gain bonus Mana on attack.
3 mana per attack and 10 AP
5 mana per attack and 15 AP
10 mana per attack, 20 AP, and Abilities heal an ally for 15% of the damage done
Shapeshifters gain bonus max Health. After their first Ability cast, they triple this effect.
30% + 3% HP regen per 2 seconds
Vanguards take 10/10/15% less damage while shielded.
Combat start and at 50% Health: Gain a Shield for a percent of max Health for 10 seconds.
New Set 12 Champions
See All Champions

Briar leaps to the largest group of enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies in a 2-hex radius and Stun them for 1.25 second. Then enter a frenzy, gaining Attack Speed, 15% Omnivamp, and causing attacks to deal bonus physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies.
If already frenzied, empower the next attack to chomp, dealing physical damage.
Leap Damage:
100% / 100% / 500%
Frenzy Attack Speed:
75% / 75% / 666%
Frenzy Cleave Damage:
40% / 40% / 200%
Chomp Damage:
250% / 250% / 2000%

Passive: On target death, hookshot to the lowest percent health enemy within 3 hexes and deal physical damage. After a hookshot or Ability cast, the next attack deals true damage.
Active: Camille knocks back and Stun enemies adjacent to the target for 1 seconds, dealing physical damage. Create a containment zone around the target for 4 seconds. Gain 30% Durability and 225% Attack Damage while in the zone.
Hookshot and Ability Damage:
165% / 165% / 800%
True Damage AD:
170% / 170% / 800%
True Damage AP:
50% / 75% / 1000%

Diana dashes within 2 hexes to hit the most enemies and heals herself. Excess healing becomes a 3 second Shield. Then, deal magic damage to adjacent enemies and magic damage to enemeis 2 hexes away.
Every 2 casts create a snowfall that Chills all enemies and heals all allies. Excess healing also becomes a 3 second Shield.
Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 20%
Adjacent Unit Damage:
380% / 570% / 9001%
Outer Unit Damage:
170% / 255% / 9000%
Self Heal:
200% / 250% / 3000%
Team Heal:
150% / 200% / 1500%

Milio opens his backpack, granting completed items to allies with open slots and throwing 3 knickknacks at enemies which each deal magic damage. If an ally has no room for items, they instead gain a stacking 11% damage increase for the rest of combat.
Occasionally finds something special in his backpack.
Number of Items:
2 / 2 / 10
Magic Damage:
330 / 500 / 1000
Something Special Chance:
1% / 1% / 100%

Morgana gains a shield for 4 seconds and summon a swarm of bats that seek out the 4 closest enemies within 3-hexes, dealing magic damage to enemies below 25% Health.
Number of Bats:
8 / 8 / 30
Magic Damage:
150% / 225% / 2000%
400% / 525% / 2500%

Norra launches a ball at the current target that explodes for magic damage, and colors the area for 3 seconds, dealing magic damage per second. If the ball lands in an area that is already colored, it will bounce to a new location within 2-hexes before exploding.
Magic Damage:
190% / 285% / 2000%
Damage Over Time:
500% / 750% / 3000%
Yuumi Heal:
150 / 225/ 3000

Passive: Fly around and attack the nearest enemy.
Active: Gain Attack Speed and replace Smolder's attacks with fireballs that deal physical damage for 6 seconds.
Dragon Upgrade: Each fireball also heals 20 Health.
Active: Gain Attack Speed and replace Smolder's attacks launch fireballs that deal physical damage.
Dragon Upgrade: Next 6 attacks instead. Fireballs deal physical damage.
Bonus Attack Speed:
50% / 50% / 500%
Damage AD:
185% / 190% / 888%
Damage AP:
25% / 40% / 888%
Dragon Upgrade Heal:
20 / 30 / 200

Xerath launches 10 arcane blasts randomly split between the closest 5 enemies that each deal magic damage.
Magic Damage:
250% / 375% / 888%
Number of Blasts:
10 / 10 / 99

Fiora leaps backward and brace, briefly gaining 70% damage reduction. Then, sweep through the most enemies within 2 hexes, dealing physical damage to each enemy plus split between all enemies hit.
Base Damage:
160% / 160% / 360%
Damage AD:
320% / 320% / 700%
Damage AP:
40% / 60% / 300%
New Set 12 Team Comps
See All Team CompsNew Set 12 Item Changes
See All Items

Other Set 12 Changes
A different Game, every game!
Champion Bag Changes & Portals!
Champion bag sizes have been updated:
- 1 Costs: 22 -> 30
- 2 Costs: 20 -> 25
- 3 Costs: 17 -> 18
- 4 Costs: Unchanged
- 5 Costs: Unchanged
Portal Mechanic stays as well and works like this:
- You'll load into a game with 3 different Portals and NO starting Carousel anymore!
- Every Player can Vote by running inside one of the portals!
- The Portal with the most players inside has the highest probability of being chosen, but even if 1 Player stands inside a Portal alone, they'll still have 1/8 chance of deciding the Portal for the entire lobby!