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DeadlockDeadlock Dynamo Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Dynamo guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.

Deadlock Dynamo Overview

Dynamo is one of the more "Supportive" heroes of Deadlock, but just like in DOTA, Supports can carry! 

He can make huge plays on offense or defense, aids his team with heals and buffs, and is just a solid part of any team comp.

Deadlock Dynamo Strengths and Weaknesses


  • His ultimate, Singularity, offers one of the easiest engages in the game.

  • Can AoE heal himself and allies while moving.

  • Quantum Entanglement offers a ton of unique versatility to his team.


  • Has one of the weaker early games in terms of kill potential due to having two non-damage abilities before ult.

  • Singularity can get canceled by CC abilities and Items like Curse or Knockdown.

  • Lacks burst mobility as Quantum Entanglement is slow and telegraphed.

Deadlock Dynamo Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit

Kinetic Pulse (1)

Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies up into the air.

1 Charges

5s Cooldown Between Charges

26s Cooldown

100 Damage

15m Stomp Range

5m Ability Width

Kinetic Pulse Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

Hit enemies are fire rate and movement slowed by 35% for 4s.

Dynamo deals 30% more Weapon Damage to hit enemies for 8s.

+125 Damage

Maxing Kinetic Pulse adds a firing/movement speed debuff to enemies and increases Dynamo’s damage output to enemies hit.

Tips for Kinetic Pulse

  • This ability is your bread-and-butter that you’ll use the most. Get super familiar with its properties like how far it goes, how high enemies get knocked up, and so on.

Quantum Entanglement (2)

Dynamo briefly disappears into the void and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next clip. Can be cast with [M3] to also bring nearby allies and give them half fire rate bonus.

9m Range

9m Ally Distance

15s Cooldown

1.4s Void Time

25% Fire Rate Bonus

Quantum Entanglement Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+4m Cast Range

+25% Fire Rate Bonus

On reappearing, +120% base ammo, reduces Cooldown by 4s

Maxing Quantum Entanglement increases its range and unlocks more potent buffs upon reappearing - overall giving it more potency in defensive and offensive situations.

Tips for Quantum Entanglement

  • When the game begins, identify your most important allies (whether it’s hyper carries or ones that lack mobility) and the enemies that have key crowd control abilities.

    • Later on in the game, you can use this info with Quantum Entanglement to avoid abilities like Grey Talon's Guided Owl if you have good timing/prediction.

Rejuvenating Aurora (3)

While channeling, restore health over time to you and any allies nearby.

32/s Health Restored

48s Cooldown

5s Channel Duration

8m Friendly Heal Radius

Rejuvenating Aurora Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

Gain +4m/s movespeed bonus for 8s if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP Upgrade.

-15s Cooldown

Full move and ability use and additionally heals +3.8% of Max Health per second

Maxing Rejuvenating Aurora makes you an ambulance with increased mobility, more frequent healing, and even lets you shoot/use abilities/do anything while channeling when fully maxed.

Tips for Rejuvenating Aurora

  • Positioning is everything with this ability, find the sweet spot for your comp to maximize the number of allies healed and prioritize keeping your most important targets healthy in major team fights.

  • It can even heal your Troopers, so keep waves healthy to make pushes more potent.

Singularity (4)

Create a singularity in your hands that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them. Once it's finished, enemies get knocked into the air.

2.75s Channel Duration

191s Cooldown

60 DPS

7m Singularity Radius

Singularity Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+2m Singularity Radius

+0.75 Channel Duration

Singularity takes 3.8% of the enemies' max health each second.

Maxing Singularity emphasizes your playmaking potential with an increased radius, longer duration, and additional damage output.

Tips for Singularity

  • As we mentioned in the Weaknesses section, Singularity can be canceled by abilities and Items. Get in the habit of watching what your enemies are building throughout the game and plan accordingly. You’ll likely have windows before they buy items like Knockdown and Curse which can be expensive.

Dynamo Build Guide

Check out the best starter build for Dynamo

Hero Overview

Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage




Bullets per Second


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

6.5 m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s



How to Counter Dynamo

  • Dynamo's Kinetic Pulse goes further than you think, hop into Sandbox to get a feel for its range so you aren't caught off guard.

  • Remember that Quantum Entanglement reloads Dynamo's gun, so he can bait you into losing a 1v1 with his superior ammo uptime.

  • Avoid being bunched up with allies to prevent a massive Singularity engage.

Reactive Barrier1,250 souls
Rescue Beam3,500 souls
Knockdown3,000 souls
Curse6,200 souls