Diablo 4 Rogue BuildPoison Twisting Blades
This build revolves entirely around using Twisting Blades to apply Poison Imbuement with the newly-introduced Alchemical Admixture Key Passive for scaling.
It has the capacity to do devastating amounts of damage while being virtually immortal.
This is the maxed-out variant with Heir of Perdition.

Resistances are capped using with x Greater Resistance to All Elements Affix.
Armor is capped using a Greater Armor Affix on Pants with 2x Masterworking Crits.

Great Single Target DPS
Great AoE DPS
Does Not Need to Farm an Amulet!
Scales Very Hard with Paragon and Glyph Level
Small AoE
Build Notes
- Cast Dark Shroud whenever you can.
- Evade to group up enemies with Shroud of Khanduras.
- Cast Rain of Arrows whenever you can.
- Cast Smoke Grenade for damage.
- Spam Poison Imbuement to keep it active and to get back Energy.
- Spam Twisting Blades.
- Cast Shadow Step for Unstoppable when needed.
Poison Imbuement Twisting Blades is back after a very long hiatus! The introduction of the Alchemical Admixture Key Passive has allowed us to scale our Poison Imbuement 's damage, returning it to its former glory. We utilize Twisting Blades to apply it as it has the highest combination of base damage and attack speed.
Rain of Arrows and Word of Hakan are included in the build because of how Alchemical Admixture interacts with the Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node. Eldritch Bounty increases our Poison/Cold/Shadow damage after casting the respective Imbuement, this not only increases the damage done with that element but also increases the tooltip damage value, which feeds into Alchemical Admixture. We also get to apply Mixed Shadow Imbuements for free.
In-Depth Explanation
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