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Deadlock Build

AverageJonas Bomb Bebop Build

Updated on Oct 21, 2024
Oct 21, 2024


Build ID: 12829

This build was created AverageJonas. To find it in game, search for "12829".

Build up stacks on your Sticky Bomb by doing damge to enemy heroes as often as possible. Don't be afraid to farm for Echo Shard since it will speed up your bomb stacks a lot.

Practice placing Sticky Bomb on your own creeps and Exploding Uppercuting them into enemy heroes for surprise harass and free bomb stacks.

Note: The recent nerfs to Echo Shard make the combo a little bit more clunky but it still works! Just make sure you have Mystic Reach. Use Hook -> Exploding Uppercut -> Sticky Bomb -> Echo Shard -> Sticky Bomb.

I also removed Phantom Strike and Lifestrike as they no longer make sense after the recent patch changes. Hope this helps!

Early Game

  • Build from to left to right.

  • Look to Exploding Uppercut minions into enemies to build Sticky Bomb stacks.

  • I removed Mystic Burst and added Mystic Reach to reduce the amount of "Ghost Cast" bugs due to the short range of Sticky Bomb.

  • If your lane matchup is difficult, you can buy Healing Rite to avoid falling too far behind.

  • Reactive Barrier can be the difference in winning your laning phase. If your opponents have stun this item is a life saver!

Extra Regen500 souls
Monster Rounds500 souls
Spirit Strike500 souls
Enduring Spirit500 souls
Enchanter's Barrier1,250 souls
Hollow Point Ward500 souls
Sprint Boots500 souls
Improved Cooldown1,250 souls
Mystic Reach500 souls

Mid Game

  • Build from left to right again.

  • Go for Echo Shard ASAP and use it aggressively for double Sticky Bomb

  • Play aggressively and build more Sticky Bomb stacks.

  • Spirit Armor is a Situational buy if you see a lot of Spirit damage

  • Flex slots are Mystic Vulnerability and Mystic Reverb

Echo Shard6,200 souls
Enduring Speed1,750 souls
Fleetfoot1,250 souls
Soul Shredder Bullets1,250 souls
Mystic Vulnerability1,250 souls
Spirit Armor1,250 souls
Warp Stone3,000 souls
Mystic Reverb6,200 souls

Late Option 1: Self Bomb

This build you are imbuing your Sticky Bomb
Try and have 150% - 200% Bomb Damage for this build to work properly!

  • Improved Burst and Surge of Power for your last flex slots

  • Self-cast Sticky Bomb and Warp Stone into the enemy team. Remember to change the self-cast setting to Alternate Button.

  • A lot more players are countering Bebop with Debuff Remover so that's why we're self-casting late game.

  • Try to land Exploding Uppercut before the Sticky Bombs go off with Mystic Vulnerability and Soul Shredder Bullets (for the %Spirit amp).

Improved Burst3,500 souls
Improved Spirit Armor4,250 souls
Surge of Power3,000 souls
Superior Cooldown4,250 souls
Soul Rebirth6,200 souls
Improved Reach3,500 souls
Boundless Spirit9,800 souls
Shadow Weave6,200 souls
Escalating Exposure7,450 souls

Late Option 2: Fisherman

  • Imbue your Hook

  • Stand in the backline and use your Knockdown in to Hook to bring people in and wreck havoc!

  • This option requires less bomb damage than the other options.

Knockdown3,000 souls
Improved Reach3,500 souls
Superior Cooldown4,250 souls
Improved Spirit Armor4,250 souls
Soul Rebirth6,200 souls
Boundless Spirit9,800 souls
Escalating Exposure7,450 souls
Crippling Headshot6,200 souls

Situational and Luxury Items

Buy what you need the most!!

  • Buy Curse if enemies buy Ethereal Shift.

Curse6,200 souls
Ethereal Shift3,000 souls
Magic Carpet6,200 souls
Boundless Spirit9,800 souls
Unstoppable6,200 souls
Metal Skin3,000 souls
Debuff Remover4,250 souls
Knockdown3,000 souls
Silence Glyph3,000 souls
Phantom Strike6,200 souls

Video Guide

Ability Point Order

exploding uppercutsticky bombhookhyper beam

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus one skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus 5 skill points

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points