Diablo 4 Necromancer BuildFull Power Blood Lance (Pit 100+)
TL;DR: Cast Bloodlance and win.
This build combines an amazing degree of survivability with very high overpower damage to melt any content in the game.

Mutilator Plate is currently bugged and cannot roll a GA on "X% chance for Blood Lance to deal double damage". Once this is fixed a Mutilator Plate with GA on this affix should be used, with MW balanced between life and double damage.
The masterworks outlined here are the optimal ones, however, for the Pit 100 clear this was not required, not a single piece had the optimal rolls.
With this gear setup you won't be fully armor and resistance capped, but it does not matter as with elixir and rune words you hit anywhere between 40-50k life (fully fortified and full barrier) - so you are basically unkilleable.

Very high survivability
Very high damage output vs. mob packs
Clears any content including Pit 100
Easy and rather cheap to gear for (except amulet)
Single-target damage
Relatively slow for speedfarming (Nightmare Dungeons etc.)
Build Notes
- Spam Bloodlance once you see enemies (Decrepify is autocast via runeword)
- Press Corpse Tendrils once of cooldown
- Cast Soulrift once of cooldown
- Use Blight on elites and bosses
- Occassionally hold down Corpse Explosion for half a second to pop 5 corpses
95% of gameplay is holding down the button for Blood Lance.
This build pushes the Season 5 version of Blood Lance to the next level. With the Pit redesign towards the trash mobs having notable higher health and the bosses being tuned down (single-target remains a weakness of Blood Lance) the Blood Seeker's aspect can show its full glory.
Pit 100 (7:30 minute clear): https://youtu.be/gO19zEHaGWA?si=xUoAgvW9iLO68ndz
It's core scaling still revolves around the known overpower mechanics and scalers:
- Maximum life as high as possible (I run at ~50k with elixir and runeword up) - this provides ~25,000% additive overpower damage
- High attack speed in both caps (normal attack speed vs. blood attack speed)
- Producing Blood Orbs via Corpse Tendrils, Transfusion and Mutilator Plate to get additional overpowers via Rathma's Vigor
- Stacking as many multipliers as possible (Heir of Perdition, Soulrift, Mutilator Plate, various Legendary Nodes, Glyphs, Aspect of Concussive Strikes, Aspect of the Great Feast, Ring of Starless Skies, Aspect of Grasping Veins etc.)
Key reasons why Blood Lance is so much stronger in comparison to last season:
- Redesign of the Pit, less tankier bosses, way tankier trash packs (Blood Seeker goes brrrrrr)
- Soulrift for survability and 30% additional multiplier
- Heir of Perdition as great damage scaler for the helmet slot
- Rework of Supernatural Blood Lance
- New Frailty Paragon Board
- New Passive skills (Titan's Fall, Finality and Necrotic Fortitude) all perfectly fitting the Blood Lance playstyle
On Paragon, you'll have everything you need by Paragon 180-190, prioritize as follows:
- Activative all Glyphs and life nodes on each board
- Then address all defensive nodes (armor, damage reduction etc.)
- Afterwards just select Intelligence nodes whereever they are adjacent to nodes you already selected
In-Depth Explanation
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